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BACOOR CITY, Philippines - As we face another school year that is far from normal, SSI has introduced a learning continuity plan that ensures quality education for all students: Statefields Education Continuum Uplifting Resilience and Excellence, also dubbed as S.E.C.U.R.E.
Aside from its acronym, S.E.C.U.R.E. was the name chosen by the school since it is deemed as fitting of what the school aims to be.
“It’s important that we continue with the trust. And so for this school year we want to ‘secure’ everyone that securing them would mean that they can continue education without them leaving the comfort of their homes,” School Principal Daniel Castillo elaborated.
The said learning continuity plan aims to maintain the school’s vision and mission by helping both teachers and students cope with the new school setup while still adhering to the DEPED - mandated competencies and skills. This can be done through a balanced mix of asynchronous and synchronous classes and teachers having to report to school for video conferences and online consultations.
Part of achieving the goal of S.E.C.U.R.E., is through the incorporation of Learning Management Systems or LMS -- Genyo for preschool to grade 6 and Quipper for highschool students.
Since not all of the teachers are up-to-date with modern technology, part of the new continuum plan is to organize a demo and micro-teaching for the school and having the IT Department present during school hours to make sure that teachers are confident to use the LMS.
As a school that heavily believes in developing student’s multiple intelligences, positive values, and 21st-century skills, S.E.C.U.R.E. aims to develop these three factors through the integration of lessons and activities. This includes homeroom, wellness activities, and guidance formation sessions.
Looking back, online classes were implemented for the 3rd term of S.Y. 2019-2020, where the school relied on Edmodo and other social media apps to continue classes. With the experiences and feedback received from the previous term, the school had further improved the curriculum for this school year; thus, S.E.C.U.R.E. was conceptualized.
Read and Download the entire SSI Learning Continuity Plan for S.Y. 2020-2021.