Objectives & Goals

SSI Objectives

      Statefields School, Inc. dedicates itself to the formation of students to become:     

      Learners who:     

  • strive for excellence and aspire for global competency;

  • develop and practice positive values;

  • demonstrate a love for life-long learning and a desire to achieve a better quality of life;

  • recognize and develop their multiple intelligences working on the achievement of their goals;

  • equip and enable themselves with 21st century skills to be proficient and ready for college, entrepreneurship or work; and

  • care for the environment.

      Filipino citizens who:     

  • foster their love for their country through active community involvement and servant leadership;

  • effectively use modern technology in search for truth and valuable information that meets the challenges and demands of the 21st century;

  • have a strong faith in our Creator and personify their faith through service to others; and

  • have the initiative, creativity and challenge to engage in entrepreneurial efforts and find their own pathway to prosperity.

SSI Institutional Goals (STALLIONS)

for stallions


Student Services promoting efficiency for the implementation of MI-centered and developmentally appropriate activities and procedures and for systematic documentation and records

Teacher Development Program striving to achieve high standards of performance and achievement of all faculty members  

Administration providing excellent leadership in planning, organizing, implementing, innovating and evaluating educational programs  

Library Program reflecting and supporting instruction and curriculum through a variety of instructional materials and service-oriented procedures

Laboratories aiming to support student learning by providing avenues for authentic tasks and critical thinking 

Instruction enhancement gearing toward student achievement 

Objectives and Philosophy advocating and facilitating the development of students’ and employees’ multiple intelligences and core values 

Network between school and community showing active and purposive collaboration in building a sense of leadership and social resposibility among stakeholders

Safe and modern facilities
 fostering a safe and stimulating atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning