Educational Philosophy

      At Statefields School, Inc., we believe that every child is born smart and has the ability to bring himself to the realization of his/her full potentials. We are committed to deliver quality education that hones the children’s multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983), develops their positive values, and equips them with 21st century skills to enable them to become the prime movers of society promoting a deep sense of values, appreciation of the Filipino culture and heritage, nationalism, and a deep faith in the Creator. We strive to teach and prime our students to meet the demands of our technology-driven world and the intensely competitive workplace of the future.     

    In response to the rapid development and challenges of the times, Statefields School, Inc. delivers developmentally appropriate approaches that provide children with an environment that are coordinated with their own level of development, allowing opportunities for individual differences.  Learning through an array of unique experiences allows students to better understand themselves as lifelong learners, and understand and to see how others acquire knowledge and apply their skills.          

      Our curriculum for the Multiple Intelligences (Hobbs,2000) promotes a culture of excellence that aims to develop graduates who are endowed with:

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) - They effectively use language, spoken or written, to express themselves confidently.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number Smart) - They are systematic and organized.  They use numbers effectively and they show proficiency in categorization, classification, inferencing, generalizing, calculating and hypothesis testing. They manifest a good grasp of thinking logically and creatively promoting peaceful response to resolving conflicts.  

Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) - They efficiently use their sensitivity to color, line, shape, form and space to contribute to the improvement and beautification of their environment. 

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) - They have a keen sense of body awareness.  They have coordination, balance,     dexterity, flexibility and speed.  They purposefully and actively commit themselves to being productive and being helpful to others. 

Musical Intelligence (Music Smart) - They show sensitivity to sounds in their environment.  They demonstrate an appreciation of music from different cultures.  They are able to express themselves using various musical instruments and genres at the same time promote the richness of Philippine culture. 

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) - They show collaboration in building a culture of professionalism and excellence.  They have the ability to understand people from different cultures,    promote the welfare of others, and respect different viewpoints.  They are honest and collaborative.  They respect the rights and properties of others. 

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart) - They have a deep understanding of themselves.  They learn from their mistakes.  They are strong willed, self-confident and committed to their work.  They show initiative and accept responsibility for their own actions. 

Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart) - They demonstrate a passion and sensitivity to care for nature.  They promote an affinity and respect for all living beings and the natural environment.

Our Positive Core Values

  • Faith in the Creator

    We commit ourselves to develop a personal relationship with our Creator through collaboration of the home, the school and the community. We live our lives to exemplify the teachings of our faith.

  • Love for One’s Country -

    We treasure our Filipino traditions and values and promote with pride the richness of our culture. We express our sensitivity to social and cultural diversity within a global society.

  • Respect for Self and Others

    We work with respect for our individual differences. Regardless of creed, race, gender, and personality, we respect and appreciate each other’s points of view, contributions and successes.

  • Productivity, Responsibility and Perseverance

    We believe that all things are achieved through diligence and determination. We believe that taking responsibility for our actions will help us realize our dreams. We are committed to providing opportunities for leadership to improve and sustain our growth and productivity.

  • Collaboration and Commitment to One’s Work

    We recognize and value the distinct personalities of our peers and we also believe that we can realize our strength as a group if we are unified by way of supporting, encouraging and assisting each other. We also commit ourselves to thorough and excellent completion of tasks at hand.

  • Concern for Others

    We recognize that the essence of life is love for others. We play an active role in projects or activities that help make our community and country better places to live and work in. We show concern for the marginalized and even for those needing emotional support.

  • Self-discipline and Orderliness

    We believe that we can improve ourselves, design our future and train ourselves to be future movers of society by the choices we make each day. Our self control, self restraint, self reliance and independence help us to sort and to put order into our lives and assist us in achieving solutions to our problems.

  • Integrity and Honesty

    We demand of others and ourselves the highest ethical standards and commit ourselves to a culture of excellence. Honesty should be demonstrated at all times in all circumstances.

21st Century Skills

      As our learners are being geared up to be able to live, learn, and work successfully in our increasingly complex and information rich society, SSI has further enriched its curriculum and instruction with the integration of:    

The Learning Skills or 4Cs:


Our curriculum for the Multiple Intelligences (Hobbs,2000) promotes a culture of excellence that aims to develop graduates who are endowed with:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 

We provide our learners the ability to analyze, verify, use, and apply accurate information in the right context. They become engaged in the real world, ask questions, and find solutions to problems. Likewise, they get to identify an issue, understand its components, and resolve it quickly and effectively.

Creativity and Innovation 

We motivate our learners to know and embrace their strengths and to express them in healthy and productive way. In doing so, they get to see and understand concepts and problems from various perspectives and arrive at a new way of thinking or doing something of great value to the task at hand.  

Collaboration and Teamwork 

We practice our learners to work amicably and effectively in groups to complete specific tasks, achieve goals, and work out common course of actions or solutions to problems. They get to realize that in working with others, they may differ in ideas and may have to sacrifice their own just to arrive at the most feasible result and achieve the greater good. 

Communication and Conveying 

We train our learners to express and impart information, thoughts, feelings, and ideas with confidence, clarity, and effectiveness. They know that they have to use the correct language and words and to be direct, specific, and polite when they talk or write to others to ensure understanding and intended positive results.

Everyone in the community has been intentional in making these learning skills part and parcel of the teaching and learning process. As education at present is becoming more practical and skills-based, of equal importance in order to help students to live significantly in this technology-driven and globally-competitive world are four sets of 21st century skills which are:

Computing and Information, Media, and Technology Literacies 

We equip our learners with adept knowledge and understanding of how computers structure, process, and manage data, perform calculations, complete tasks, and make decisions at high speed. They have acquired foundational skills to distinguish facts from fictions, identify credible publishing methods, outlets, and sources, and comprehend how various machines, devices, and gadgets perform their tasks.

Career and Life Skills 

We prepare our learners as early as possible for their possible future professions by enabling them with such skills as flexibility leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills. They should be able to adapt to changing circumstances, motivate others to accomplish goals, start plans and strategies on their own, maintain efficiency despite distractions, and network with others for mutual benefits.

Citizenship and Cross-Cultural Understanding Skills 

We endow our learners with keen understanding of engaging appropriately with the democratic society and taking responsibility for their own lives and their respective communities. They should display acceptance, appreciation and tolerance of people’s diversity in backgrounds, color, beliefs, and ethnicities..

Control and Coping Skills 

We imbibe our learners with temperance and tolerance. They have the abilities to evaluate several potential solutions before springing to action and to deal proactively with uncomfortable emotions and unexpected obstacles. They are working on their resilience, growth mindset, grit, and self-fulfillment..

Our Beliefs

      Statefields School, Inc., believes that the mark of excellence is one that supports learning and values formation.  SSI supports the  following principles:

  • Intelligence

    Intelligence can be learned, taught and enhanced. Intelligence is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that is present at multiple levels in our brain.

    “Intelligence is the ability to find and solve problems and create products that are of value in one’s culture.” (Gardner, 1983)

  • 21st Century Skills

    Like solving problems, finding and working with information, absorbing content and thinking and responding critically to issues, providing solutions to real world problems, communicating ideas effectively, collaborating with others and assuming a variety of roles to become responsible citizens are important ingredients to be able to live, learn and work successfully in our increasingly complex and information-rich society.

  • Life-long Learning

    Love for learning can be nurtured and supported through varied school experiences that provide for different learners and their learning styles and prepare them for life. Learning transcends time and space, continuing beyond school life, creating globally competitive individuals able to proactively meet the dramatic changes of globalization.

  • Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Strategies

    This is a perspective whereby the educator nurtures a student’s social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development by basing teaching and assessment practices and decisions on theories of child development, individually identified strengths and needs of each student uncovered through authentic assessment, and the student’s cultural background as defined by his community, family history, and family structure.

  • Values Education

    Values involve the integration of the three domains: cognitive, affective and behavior. Values are reinforced and deepened when academic education extends beyond the classroom walls through varied and purposive student activities that provide opportunities for them to see themselves in relation to others, the community and the world at large.

  • Learner-Centered Education

    It refers to a kind of education that considers the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, interests, and beliefs that learners bring into the classroom (Curtis and Carter, 1996; Ornstein and Hunkins, 1993). It includes teaching practices that are culturally relevant, culturally responsive, culturally appropriate, and culturally compatible (Landson, 1995).

  • Use of Technology

    Teachers design and develop interesting, engaging, and effective materials. There is a need for educators to compete with the entertainment brought about by modern technology to get the students interested. Use of technology and multimedia for teaching is incorporated in classroom teaching to support teaching and learning. These supplement the development of the students’ multiple intelligences.

  • Balanced and Holistic Assessment

    The Kto12 assessment has a balanced and holistic assessment program. It is a comprehensive program involving multifaceted analysis of students’ knowledge, understanding, skills, and performance. It makes use of a wide array of authentic and traditional assessment tools and techniques. It ensures valid, reliable, and realistic assessment of learning.