Our Vision, Mission & Motto

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      Statefields School, Incorporated is an integrated basic education institution imbibing a culture of excellence that develops holistic and globally competitive lifelong learners, who are college and career ready, imbued with a strong faith in the Creator and love for nature and country.   

(Revised 2024)  


      SSI aims to develop the multiple intelligences, positive values, and 21st Century Skills of learners through an empowering curriculum supported by developmentally appropriate, research-based, and innovative teaching practices; responsible use of technology; transformative community engagement; and a secured, healthy, involved, fostered, and tested academic atmosphere.     

(Revised 2024)


      With these foundation principles, Statefields School, Inc. commits to “Excellence Through Multiple Intelligences, Positive Values and 21st Century Skills”.  We believe that a loving, safe and stimulating environment further contributes toward the attainment of our goals.