

A. Curriculum

The Preschool Curriculum is aligned with DepEd’s 2023 MATATAG Curriculum Guide, and the school’s philosophy, vision and mission. It is focused on the development of preschool children’s:

  • Communication Skills - Listening, reading, speaking writing.
  • Sensory-perceptual - coordination between sense organs and the brain
  • Numerical Skills - counting, identifying numbers, comparing and manipulating quantities
  • Creative Aesthetic Skills - art, music, dance/movement, creative role play
  • Socio-Emotional Skills - awareness, recognition and management of one's emotions, and the emotion of others, self-control and empathy

B. Subject Offerings

*Mathematics             **Science & Araling Panlipunan

C. Academic Features

  • Read Aloud Program (RAP)
    Preschool teachers animatedly do read aloud during instruction and even during non-academic days to foster among preschool learners the joy and love for books and reading.
  • Multiple Intelligences (MI) Block - This is a once-a-week, non-academic day which aims to nurture preschool learners’ multiple intelligences through various non-graded activities such as Music & Movement, Read Aloud/Storytelling, and Busy Hands.
  • Sand and Water Play - This is an activity which allows pupils to play with kinetic sand, colored water and water sprinkler for their cognitive, physical, psychomotor and socio-emotional development.

D. Instructional Approaches

Our learners finish preschool knowing how to read and understand narratives. Our approaches to teach reading include:

  • Four-Pronged - literature based, holistic, and places emphasis on the process of transfer
  • Thematic - areas of the curriculum are connected and integrated within a theme
  • Marungko - the approach of sounding out or deciphering as a way to learn how to read

E. Instructional Delivery 

  • 4-Day Face to Face/In person classes
  • 1 Catch up Day/Asynchronous class  (teacher designed lesson packages via Genyo e-Learning)
  • Zoom Classes  (during prologned suspension of face-to-face classes due to varying circumstances such as disease outbreak, volcano eruption, etc.)